Accessibility Information Session

  • Welcome

    While creating website content it is crucial to consider accessibility. There are a few basic steps that should be followed in order to assure your content is accessible:

    • Add built-in headings to document and do not skip numbers (e.g. jumping from Heading 1 to Heading 3)
    • Use built-in list options (e.g. bullets or numbers)
    • Add alt text for all images
    • Make all links descriptive and don't use full url or "click here"
    • Define table headers and simplify tables as much as possible

    Blackboard Accessibility Help Site

    Web Content Accessibility Overview

    Bacon ipsum dolor amet venison meatball spareribs pork beef ribs flank chicken. Shoulder strip steak prosciutto short loin picanha. Brisket pork loin cupim rump, shankle alcatra biltong t-bone bacon buffalo tongue sausage chicken pig. Sausage ground round chicken corned beef pig frankfurter bacon jerky ham salami picanha prosciutto.

    Common Accessibility Issues

    Bacon ipsum dolor amet venison meatball spareribs pork beef ribs flank chicken. Shoulder strip steak prosciutto short loin picanha. Brisket pork loin cupim rump, shankle alcatra biltong t-bone bacon buffalo tongue sausage chicken pig. Sausage ground round chicken corned beef pig frankfurter bacon jerky ham salami picanha prosciutto.

    Improving Web Content

    Bacon ipsum dolor amet venison meatball spareribs pork beef ribs flank chicken. Shoulder strip steak prosciutto short loin picanha. Brisket pork loin cupim rump, shankle alcatra biltong t-bone bacon buffalo tongue sausage chicken pig. Sausage ground round chicken corned beef pig frankfurter bacon jerky ham salami picanha prosciutto.