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Content Accordion - Custom App
The Content Accordion is a responsive and accessible app that displays articles in a condensed way. This functionality is highly sought after for managing and organizing a high volume of articles and data.
Each article has a title and detail that allows a user to input a wide range of content. On the front-end website, a user can select a single article to expand or collapse the article detail.
A user can also choose to expand or collapse all article details at once. The Content Accordion uses WCM's tagging feature. This is perfect for districts that like to manage content from one app and then share and filter specific records across subsites.
Contact Information
Business Services
Kevin Kyle
Phone: (555) 555-5559
Email: kkyle@anymail.comLisa Leal
Phone: (555) 555-5510
Email: -
Human Resources
Greg Garrison
Phone: (555) 555-5555
Email: ggarrison@anymail.comIvan Ingram
Phone: (555) 555-5557
Email: -
Student Services
Oscar O'Brian
Phone: (555) 555-5512
Email: oobrian@anymail.comPriscilla Perez
Phone: (555) 555-5513
Email: pperez@anymail.comJackie Quintanilla
Phone: (555) 555-5514
Content Accordion
John Johnson - History
John Johnson is a 8th Grade Teacher at Lionette Charter School, where he teaches U.S. History, sponsors chess club, and coaches baseball. He graduated with his Bachelors in History, and received his masters in Education, and was also awarded teacher of the year 3 consecutive years. In his spare time John enjoys spending time with his two dogs Tom and Jerry, and working on his hobbies: carpentry, archery, and painting.
Nancy Nguyen - Math
Nancy Nguyen is a 6th Grade Teacher at J.P. Vincent Secondary School, where she teaches Math, sponsors Desination Imagination, and coaches Tennis. She graduated with her Bachelors in Math, and received his masters in Education. In her spare time Nancy enjoys spending time with her two cats Ren and Stimpy, and working on her hobbies: sewing, calligraphy, and paintball.